I absolutely love this game, its so much fun doing daily mission to unlock special event clothes like the Splatoon outfit.
I absolutely love this game, its so much fun doing daily mission to unlock special event clothes like the Splatoon outfit.
I actually wasnt expecting this game to be fun, but it is! I like the creativity of designing your mii to be really like you. I like that you can choose how your mii speaks, their movement level, etc. I also like how it gives you a description of your mii at the end. Awesome game!
Miitomo is as fun as the friends you add. Its less of a game and more of a Nintendo-esque ask.fm. My friends are pretty active/hilarious, so I always have a reason to regularly check in and read their answers. Your mileage may vary, but its very worth giving a try
I downloaded this app for IOS 9.3.1 on a iPhone 5s and the app doesnt stay open everytime I press the app to open it one second later it crashes please fix this
I really do love this app and I think it has great potential, but it does need some improvement. 1) Make adding friends easier! I want to add friends but they have to be on Facebook or twitter or hey have to be with me at the time for the face-to-face option. Couldnt we add them using usernames instead? 2) The rooms! I think we should be able to choose what our room looks like because my room really doesnt fit me or my mii! 3) Lower prices just a little bit? They arent too overpriced but it is a bit difficult to make money in this game so I would lower the price of clothing. 4) Minigames that dont cost in game money! Even if you dont get prizes for playing it we need something to do thats not costing us
Miitomo is kinda boring- Like, everything is expensive and its hard to get coins. There also needs to be more mini games too
I really like Miitomo, I think its a good spin off of Tomodachi Life. However, I feel like it is missing a few features that would make it as great as Tomodachi Life. Perhaps more costumes, more mini-games other than pachinko. The Mii leaving the room and going outside? Music performances and perhaps more daily outfit options at the shop. Other than that its a good game, that I would recommend to others.
I really like this all a lot because it allows me to get to know my gaming friends and irl friends better. But my god is it addicting. And I spend money on in-app purchases! I dont usually do that! They already make $250k so far. RUN AS FAR AWAY FROM THIS APP AS POSSIBLE! Download at your own risk.
When this first came out his game was the bomb like WOAH A NINTENDO GAME ON THE IPHONE but I was disappointed when I learned that the only thing u can customize is your character! I personally would recommend adding more games and maybe furniture!
Miitomo is a lot of fun if you have enough friends who use it, so go ahead and download it! Hopefully theyll add the ability to link your Instagram in the near future!
WOW!!! Once again, Nintendo really captures what I "love" so much about gaming: 1. Start up... Nope! downloads! 2. Begin using... Nope! Forms! 3. More forms 4. Endless pop ups 5. Menus with no purpose 6. I got a Mario hat... No idea what its for or where it it went... 7. Bored by forms... Deleted. Oh well. Thanks Nintendo. I forgot why I stopped giving you money. Now I remember...
This app is super fun and entertaining, however the clothes are much too expensive, game tickets and coins too hard to earn, and Miitomo Drop too frustrating. Ive got some suggestions... 1. Clothes Everything is super cute, but way way WAY too expensive! Please cut down on their prices! 2. Items time in the Shop The steampunk set was SO cute but I wasnt able to purchase it in time due to my lack of coins and the time it was in there! Please elongate the amount of time that clothing is in the shop. 3. Coins/game tickets too hard to earn! Coins and game tickets are WAY too hard to earn; I suggest being able to earn them in games along with candy and clothing 4. Rooms! The rooms by themselves are super boring, I wish you could change them up 5. Add more games/activities! Once you get the idea and hang of Miitomo, it gets pretty dull. There should be more activities or games or something to do I really like this game, but I wish you guys at Nintendo would have put a bit more into it! Great job
If you dont have any friends this can get boring You will see yourself on Twitter following strangers in hopes they will follow you so you can add them as friends in this app #nolife